Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Wedding invitations

I've been all over the web in search of wedding invitation inpirations. Now that I've bought the bridesmaid dresses, my theme colour has been finally established: purple/lavender/lilac. So having said that, the invitations and all the associated name cards and table numbers etc will have those dominant colour themes to tie the entire day together in harmony.

Trawling the net for wedding images, I've been remiss in terms of noting where I got the images from so if anyone notices an image of theirs that I've posted up - please let me know and I will either a) remove the image if requested or b) acknowledge your image with a caption and provide a link back to your website.

The cost of wedding invitations

DIY invitations can either look fabulous or tacky and amateur. Invitations that can be ordered online can range from $3 to $12 per invitation and that's not including any associated stationary yet! Whoa.

Invitation designs that I heart:
From: Wedding card at $6.90 each - the double pink ribbon looks great!
Wedding card $10.90 each - wow - probably costs so much because of the fancy bucky with pearl decoration!
Loving the green freshness of this green invitation - $7.90/invitation
Loving the pink and brown combinatin with that cute tag- 7.90/invitation

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